Thursday, September 23, 2010

Third one . . . I think I've gotten the hang of this

Welcome, welcome to another blog message thing of Miley. Well classes today were averagely well. My religions class was cancelled, so sleeping in fun stuff. Then came English which was the same old, same old. Had an amazing lunch, leftovers from Swiss Chalet . . . so good. Then came theatre, hopefully our group can come together and have an amazing presentation on THURSDAY . . . seems like there is no more time (oh well).

Got to watch Glee, on a more positive note. So good and very enjoyable. Looking forward to watching The Big Bang and How I Met Your Mother, too.
Thomas Hardy: Had chosen thus to fling his soul, upon the growing gloom.
Just a random, quote thing from my extensive amount of homework. 

I guess I should end this blog, goodnight, goodnight, have a goodnight and hopefully an awesome day tomorrow!!

1 comment:

  1. I like the Hardy quote. He wasn't exactly the most pleasant fellow. Liked to write books about women, and tragedies.

    I like your blog, lovely. I especially like the fish. : )
